01. ISA and assembler language
Example: turn a calculator into a computer
Addressed memory, keeping data and instructions
- Comparison-and-jump instruction (conditional)
- Stop, input and output in various ways
- Encoding an instruction: Opcode + optional parameters (addresses of arguments)
ISA conception
- opcode / arguments / word alignment
- address arguments
- absolute/relative address
- indirect addressing
- immediate arguments
- Address space VS instruction size problem
- Addressness: 3, 2, 1, 0, variable length
- Memory access speed/throughput problem
- ⇒ registers (short address / quick access)
- 3-address
+ natural arithmetics
- there a many operations that need not 3 or even 2 operands
- 2-address
+ More compact code
+ Slightly faster implementation of single instruction
- Compound arithmetics
Non-atomic conditional operations, primarily jumps
- 1-address
+ Ultra-compact and simple implementation
- Most of operations are compound
- …part of them are just moves
- Unobvious human coding
- 0-address (stack)
+/- Requires effective hardware stack implementation, which speeds up many common algorithms
- Needs special training to understand and coding
- Needs emulation of addressing when used with arrays of data
- Variable size
+ Effective compactness
- Duobles (multiplies in fact) decoding time
- Obstructs human reading
- Ambigous decoding
Modes of addressing
- Direct:
- Moves are relatively slow comparing to inter-processor operations
- Gives full access to memory
- Indirect:
- Doubles slowness (multiplies in fact)
- Can be effective with arrays processing
- Immediate:
- Fast
Immutable arguments (or requires mutable code)
Limits argument size to be part of instruction
- Registers:
- Fast, but mutable
- Small address
- Can be cheated (as part of CPU) to improve speed even more
There are not to many, require register planning
ISA goals
- CISC: one instruction = more operations
- RISC: one instruction = fixnum time fast operation
- VLIW: one instruction = full calculation device(s) load
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