Прикреплённый файл «Treeops.py»


   1 #!/usr/bin/python
   2 # coding: utf8
   3 import Tree
   4 import pickle
   5 import pygame
   6 from math import *
   8 def save(ATree, File, V=0):
   9     for k in ATree: 
  10         print >> File, (k, ATree[k])
  11     print >> File, ATree.V
  12     return File
  14 def load(ATree, File):
  15     S=eval(File.readline())
  16     while type(S) is not int:
  17         ATree[S[0]]=S[1]
  18         S=eval(File.readline())
  19     return ATree
  21 def restore(CTree, File, upkey=None, Buffer=[]):
  22     S=Buffer and Buffer.pop() or eval(File.readline())
  23     if type(S) is int or upkey!=None and S[0]>upkey: 
  24         Buffer.append(S)
  25         return CTree()
  26     T=CTree(S[0],S[1],restore(CTree, File, S[0]), restore(CTree, File, upkey))
  27     return T
  29 def draw(T,M,fw):
  30     def drawtree(scr, T, seq):
  31         Node1,Node2=font.render(str(T.key),1,fgt,bg),font.render(T.value,1,fgt,bg)
  32         NR1,NR2=Node1.get_rect(),Node2.get_rect()
  33         R,row=scr.get_rect(),int(log(seq+0.1,2))
  34         cell=seq-2**row
  35         X,Y=R.width/2**row*cell+R.width/2**(row+1),row*(CH+dCH)
  36         if T.LT: pygame.draw.line(scr, fgl, (X,Y+dC2), drawtree(scr, T.LT, seq*2))
  37         if T.GT: pygame.draw.line(scr, fgl, (X,Y+dC2), drawtree(scr, T.GT, seq*2+1))
  38         scr.blit(Node1,(X-NR1.width/2,Y))
  39         scr.blit(Node2,(X-NR2.width/2,Y+CH/2+dC2))
  40         return (X,Y+dC2)
  42     dCH,dCW,dC2=fw/4,1,1
  43     pygame.init()
  44     pygame.font.init()
  45     font = pygame.font.Font(None, fw)
  46     CW,CH=font.size("+"+"n"*M)
  47     CH=CH*2+dC2
  48     W=(CW+dCW)*2**(T.H)-1
  49     H=(CH+dCH)*T.H
  50     screen = pygame.display.set_mode((W,H))
  51     fgt,fgl,bg=pygame.Color("wheat"),pygame.Color("green"),pygame.Color("midnightblue")
  52     drawtree(screen, T, 1)
  53     while pygame.event.wait().type not in (pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP):
  54         pygame.display.flip()
  55     pygame.quit()
  57 if __name__ == "__main__":
  58     Num=24
  59     # Генерация
  60     T=Tree.gen(Num,Tree=Tree.AVLtree)
  61     # Рисование
  62     draw(T,len(str(Num)),24*24/Num)
  63     # Запись
  64     save(T,file("o","w")).close()
  65     # Построение
  66     T1=load(Tree.AVLtree(),file("o"))
  67     print "load =",T==T1
  68     draw(T1,len(str(Num)),24*24/Num)
  69     # Чтение
  70     T2=restore(Tree.AVLtree,file("o"))
  71     print "restore =",T==T2
  72     # Сериализация и десериализация
  73     f=file("o.pikcle","w")
  74     pickle.dump(T,f)
  75     f.close()
  76     f=file("o.pikcle")
  77     T3=pickle.load(file("o.pikcle"))
  78     print "pickle =",T==T3

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