Различия между версиями 7 и 8
Версия 7 от 2020-03-21 23:09:12
Размер: 245
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Версия 8 от 2020-03-21 23:09:56
Размер: 298
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Удаления помечены так. Добавления помечены так.
Строка 3: Строка 3:
Homework tasks should be placed in corresponded directories, named after class topic. Homework tasks should be stored/copied in corresponded directories, named after class topic. All binaries should work on the sugon server.

Homework remaining after classes

Homework tasks should be stored/copied in corresponded directories, named after class topic. All binaries should work on the sugon server.

See >>> link to classes pages.



Make sure you can connect to sugon server over ssh


Connect to server from home!

If using windows, you may need SSH. It's better to install Git for windows and run linux-like console from "Git bash" menu

Compile an ru any program on server



(can be done in class if time allows)

  1. Write a program that utilizes memory sparsely, so it's footprint 100% misses 2-way associative MARS cache simulator, but (almost) fits into 4-way associative cache with 16 lines (blocks) of cache

  2. Make it available at sugon server in the subdirectory asm:

       1 localhost$ ssh sugon -p 2131
       2      ...
       3 [your_login@sugon ~]$ mkdir src
       4 [your_login@sugon ~]$ ls -a src
       5 .  ..
       6 [your_login@sugon ~]$ exit
       7      ...
       8 localhost$ scp -P 2131 progCache.asm your_login@sugon:src/
       9 progCache.asm              100%  285    26.7KB/s   00:00
      10 localhost$ ssh sugon -p 2131
      11      ...
      12 [your_login@sugon ~]$ mkdir src
      13 [your_login@sugon ~]$ ls -a src
      14 .  .. progCache.asm


If you have non-MIPS environment, try these programs there


  • write a program that detects maximum possible size of malloc-ed memory
    • read man malloc to learn how malloc() reports a failure

    • spoiler:

    • do not forget to free()


  • Finish all tasks
  • Place the solution to the sugon server under the name fpointer.c. E. g. like this:

    $ scp -P -P 2131 yourprog.c your_login@sugon:fpointer.c
    (note the address of sugon)


Pick up your favorite debugger and learn how to use it


  • Copy both programs (fprintf and fwrite versions) to sugon server


All three programs must reside in 10_fileio subdirectory of your home directory on sugon server. Use scp if you've done the task outside the server.


  • Finish all tasks
  • Improve argredir.c to check error status of all operations performed and print an error message when en error is occurred

    • See RETURN VALUE (or alike) section of each function manpage

    • use perror

  • Write a new program pip2redir.c that resembles piperedir, but forks both child processes (as seen at lecture), waits for both to end and prints both commands exit status

    • Note wait() returns after either of children is stopped, you need to check if ECHILD is returned to indicate there is no more living child


  • Finish all 4 tasks


  • Write a function countbytes(FILE *fp, int a, int b) that receives opened binary FILE *fp as the first argument and a pair of '0…255' integers a and b as the second and the third arguments. The function counts how many bytes a<=byte<=b are in the input file.

  • In second file write main() that parses three agruments (input file name and two integers), opens the file, calls countbytes(), closes the file and outputs countbytes() return value.

  • Create a Makefile for:

    • building countbytes program

    • building 3 test input files
      1. zeroes with 1000 zeroes

      2. words with 1000 bytes from the start of /usr/share/dict/words file (or another english words long file)

      3. random with 1000 random bytes

    • running 5 tests against these files:
      1. searching 0 0 in zeros (program should print 1000)
      2. searching 10 100 in zeros (program should print 0)
      3. searching 65 120 in words (program should print something)

      4. searching 200 220 in words (program should print 0)
      5. searching 10 100 in random (program should print something)

    • clearing all the mess (all generates, including *.o, test files and prorram itself)


Finish all tasks


Finish all tasks


Modify last program to:

  • Exit after getting signalQ three times

  • Check every syscall return values on error state


  • Finish all tasks


Test tasks : TODO

HSE/ProgrammingOS/HomeWorkAggregator (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2020-03-21 23:09:56)