Различия между версиями 3 и 4
Версия 3 от 2019-12-01 00:08:47
Размер: 486
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Версия 4 от 2019-12-01 00:10:39
Размер: 542
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Удаления помечены так. Добавления помечены так.
Строка 3: Строка 3:
Строка 11: Строка 12:
Hint: to gain performance keep anything on registers

Calculate π value using Leibniz_formula_for_π accurate to N decimal places. Input N, output the result. Use function defied in ../Homework_FractionTruncate to truncate out other digits. Keep in mind that the exact formula is calculating π/4, you probably should start with 4 instead 1 to gain exact accuracy. Warning: the algorithm is slow, do not panic, but keep code as simple as possible.



Hint: to gain performance keep anything on registers


HSE/ArchitectureASM/Homework_LeibPi (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2019-12-01 00:10:39)